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Martell ad renounced20.10.2010 |
Russia’s Federal Antimonopoly Service imposed a 100,000-ruble fine on ZAO P.R. Rus for launching an inappropriate Martell advertisement, the spokesperson for the Service reports. The FAS declared earlier that advertising the cognac under the slogan, ‘Pleasure born in 1715’ contradicted Article 5 (part 5, paragraph 3) and Article 21 (part 1, paragraph 1) of the Federal Advertising Act. ‘Our committee came to the conclusion that this Martell advertisement displayed an act of consuming a strong drink and created an impression that drinking cognac makes you feel better. According to Article 38 (part 6) of the Federal Advertising Act, the advertiser, namely, ZAO P.R. Rus, has to face liability for violating the requirements of Article 5 (part 5) and Article 21 (part 1) of the Federal Advertising Act,’ the antimonopoly watchdog says. The advertisement in question was carried in the Styles magazine winter 2009/2010 issue as well as in such periodicals as Maxim, GQ, Kommersant Daily, Kommersant Weekend, Aeroflot, Caravan Istoriy, Snob, Vokrug Sveta, Za rulem, Forbes, Top Gear, Elle, Tatler, L'officiel, Harper's Bazaar, and Russkiy Pioner in January-May 2010. All in all, the FAS imposed 87.4 million RUR worth of fines on various advertisers for violating the advertising legislation last year. Вернуться назад |