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ChTPZ to deliver pipes to Gazprom

This February and March, Chelyabinsk Tube-Rolling Plant (ChTPZ, part of ChTPZ Group) is going to complete an order for a number of large-diameter pipes placed by Gazprom; the pipes are needed to repair and maintain some major pipelines (Valdai-Pskov-Riga, Kipen-Gatchina, Gryazovets-Leningrad I, and Torzhok-Minsk-Ivatsevitchi-2 ones). The 530-, 720-, 1,020-, and 1,220-millimeter pipes with 7 to 16.7 millimeter wall width and a three-layer anti-corrosion polyethylene coating are made of 17G1S-U 13G1S-U steel in accordance with TU 14-3-1270-2001 and TU 14-158-153-2005 standards. These LDPs are actually some of the plant’s most popular products.

‘Chelyabinsk Tube-Rolling Plant and Gazprom have developed a long-standing partnership in terms of pipe produce supply needed for pipeline construction and repairs. At the moment, the plant is getting ready to take part in Gazprom’s new, large-scale pipeline construction project connecting Sakhalin, Khabarovsk, and Vladivostok,’ the spokesperson for ChTPZ Group said to an UrBC reporter.
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