Главная > Daily news > Sverdlovsk Region pays additional 1,218 million RUR worth of taxes in January-March 2007

Sverdlovsk Region pays additional 1,218 million RUR worth of taxes in January-March 2007

Sverdlovsk Region transferred additional 1,218.3 million RUR worth of taxes to the budget and state non-budgetary funds in January-March 2007; this included 822.7 million RUR worth of sanctions and fines (excluding the fines imposed for delays in payment) and 232.8 million RUR withdrawn after a number of inspections. As regards the year 2006, additional payments amounted to 19.1% of all the taxes paid by the region, with the average sum per one inspected taxpayer coming to 18,900 RUR. These additional payments included insurance fees (49.8%), sanctions (10.8%), fines (6.7%), and fines imposed for delays in payment (32.5%). As regards all the additional payments that were brought about by the taxpayers’ field checks (including the sanctions and fees), those were made up of profit and income tax (216.8 million RUR, or 36.7%), tax imposed on goods and services imported from Byelorussia (197.3 million, or 33.4%), property tax (43.6 million, or 7.4%), consolidated income tax (12.5 million, or 2.1%), unified social tax (106.6 million, or 18.1%), and insurance fees (8.7 million, or 1.5%).
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