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KMEZ Collective Agreement Best in Chelyabinsk Region

UrBC, Yekaterinburg, January 20, 2017. Russian Copper Company’s Kyshtym Copper Electrolysis Plant (KMEZ) won bronze in the annual Collective Agreement Contest held among Chelyabinsk Region-based companies with 1,000 to 2,000 employees, Russian Copper Company’s press service reports.

‘The contest is coordinated for local businesses and organizations by Chelyabinsk Region’s trilateral social/labor relations committee. The goal is to improve the way social/labor relations get regulated through collective agreements and to make the companies’ decision-making process more efficient. Companies’ Collective Agreements were evaluated based on the following criteria: pay and social benefits; job safety; employment rate; and corporate social responsibility program,’ the press service says.

Sixty-three businesses applied to compete in the contest last year, with forty-eight applications from seventeen Chelyabinsk Region cities and towns getting accepted: there were twenty-eight non-state and twenty state-run organizations competing all in all. In the end, thirty-seven applicants won in this or that category.
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