Главная > Daily news > ChTPZ Group directs over 15m RUR to children's health campaign
ChTPZ Group directs over 15m RUR to children's health campaign2.06.2014 |
June 2, 2014. ChTPZ Group directs some money to organizing summer holidays and leisure activities for children of Chelyabinsk Tube Rolling Plant and Pervouralsk New Pipe Plant's employees this year. According to the company's press service, more than 4,000 kids will be able to enjoy a vacation in the company summer camps Yelanchik and Gagarinsky in June, July, and August. The first 'season' will begin on the eve of Children's Protection Day. 'ChTPZ Group has actually made investing in good quality children's holidays its tradition. The Group's company facilities has everything necessary for this: skilled staff, cozy hotel buildings, several meals a day, entertainment programs, and, of course, spectacular nature. ChTPZ directed over 15m RUR to the summer campaign of 2014,' says company shareholder and BOD Chairman Alexander Fedorov. 'The Group's facilities in Chelyabinsk and Pervouralsk will offer children a variety of different shows and activities in the summer. Chelyabinsk Tube Rolling Plant and Pervouralsk New Pipe Plant's Palaces of Culture, Voskhod Sports Club, and Water Sports Palace will keep running their art and sports clubs. On Metallurgist's Day, special concerts will be organized at Palace of Culture for the children and grandchildren of the Group's employees; there will be more concerts and shows during the summer,' the press service says. On Children's Protection Day, an aquatic show will take place at Voskhod Sports Club for the plant workers and their children. In Pervouralsk, the Leather Ball tournament sponsored by Pervouralsk New Pipe Plant will take off as usual; 43 teams of young football players will compete in the tournament, and the winners will be announced on the eve of Metallurgist's Day. Вернуться назад |