Главная > Daily news > Public prosecutors for transportation detect nearly 1,500 bribery-related offenses in the Urals in 2013

Public prosecutors for transportation detect nearly 1,500 bribery-related offenses in the Urals in 2013

December 10, 2013. In the first half of 2013, the public prosecutors for transportation detected 1,491 bribery-related offenses in the Urals during a number of inspections.

According to the spokesperson for Ural public prosecution authorities for transportation, 251 warrants were issued and 63 administrative lawsuits were instituted to deal with these violations of the law; 333 executives had to face disciplinary and administrative liability. What is more, 83 criminal lawsuits were instituted this year, with charges related to bribe-taking.

In 2012-2013, the public prosecution authorities for transportation, who worked together with other law-enforcement agencies, uncovered 980 bribery-related cases, and a verdict was pronounced on 141 accused involved in criminal lawsuits.
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