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Over 10% of New Foreign Cars Sold in Ural Federal District

February 1, 2013. The share of Ural Federal District on Russia’s new foreign cars market is now 10.49%. All in all, 234,700 cars were sold, which was 18.9% more than a year earlier, AutoStat Analytical Agency reports.

Central Federal District, with its 937,200 new automobiles sold last year, was the market leader. Its share of sales came to 41.9% of all the car sales in Russia.

Central Federal District was followed by Volga District, where 414,100 cars were sold (this comes to an 18.5% share of the market). North-Western District, with its 264,100 cars (an 11.8% share of the market), was in the third place. As for the outsiders, these were Far Eastern Federal District (16,300 new foreign car sales) and North-Caucasian Federal District (16,300 automobiles). However, the figures for the latter were actually a 53.9% improvement on the previous year.

All in all, 2.24m new foreign cars were sold in Russia in 2012. This is 16.8% more than in 2011.
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