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VUZ-Bank Gets on Top100 List29.08.2012 |
Banki.ru’s information & analytics department came up with a rating of banks based on their retail lending portfolio volume as of August 1, 2012. The rating offers data on 949 banks, most of which improved their financial performance indicators over the given period, VUZ-Bank reports. In terms of its retail lending portfolio volume, VUZ-Bank was one of the Top100 in the ranking and was given the 84th position. As of August 1, 2012, its consumer loans portfolio exceeded 6.4bn RUR. According to the data provided by the analysts, the bank’s retail portfolio rose by 3.8% in July. Now according to RIA Rating’s findings, the Russian bank’s consolidated lending portfolio increased by 2.4 trillion RUR, or 8.3% in the first half of 2012. Loans offered to private individuals were the main growth factor. The upward trend on the lending market means that the citizens’ paying capacity is not going down and that the banks’ lending potential remains stable. Вернуться назад |